Our workshops can help you to develop your inner creative voice and give you the courage to express yourself in new ways.


Writing workshops and improvisations


While on tour, Suckerpunch Theatre also offers writing workshops, suitable for aspiring playwrights, novelists, or screenwriters.

Some writers just need a kickstart. Based on the Mike Leigh director’s method, a team of professional actors can provide improvisations of scenes which some writers might be finding hard to grapple with on their own. This will also assist by focussing the writer on character, three act narrative structures (even required within one single scene), and believable, spontaneous dialogue.


A limited number of 10 writers would be required.


Please contact us direct if you would like to talk about separately organised writing workshops.

Writing Workshop

Saturday 4th December


(lunch break 12.45 to 1.30, with two fifteen minute breaks added, arranged on the day)*

-Character and Dialogue


IIt is only when you open your veins and bleed onto the page a little that you establish contact with your reader. If you do not believe in the characters or the story you are doing at that moment with all your mind, strength, and will, if you don’t feel joy and excitement while writing it, then you’re wasting good white paper…’

Paul Gallico, “Confessions of a Story Writer”, 1946


Believable characters are the foundations of any good story.  They alone are the major hook.  And what they say - and don’t say - during the action of the story, is what keeps us intrigued.


The aim of this workshop is primarily to inspire writers to develop believable characters for whatever story they’re working on - be it a play, screenplay or novel.  In so doing, they gain an awareness of each character’s unique voice.


Using writing exercises to help put a writer inside the head of their characters, attendees will create people with motivation and believability, plus gain an understanding of how to write spontaneous, authentic dialogue. 


Please bring pen and paper for handwriting exercises.  Laptop is also fine, but handwriting, for some mysterious reason, is usually found to be more compelling for these kinds of writing exercises!


If you wish, bring ANYTHING to inspire you, and keep it on side.  This might include photos of people on whom you’d like to base your characters, or places around which to set your characters.  

*breaks may be flexible according to length of time of each exercise and number of attendees



“Your workshop was fantastic! Thank you! I thoroughly enjoyed learning about what makes a strong story that draws the reader in. I highly recommend it to anyone, professional writers and first timers alike!”

— Liam Wilson, Mansfield, Victoria


“The exercises you gave us certainly helped me understand far better (actually, I’ll underline that) far better, the character of my heroine..”

— Sue McDonald, Mansfield, Victoria

“It was a brilliant workshop! The pieces of writing that were shared were so engaging.”

— Maree Mielnik, Victoria


“I have done a number of writers' workshops, but Sandy's really stood out to me as she managed to extract a level of effort from me, combined with blazing new insights, which inspired my writing in a way I didn't even know was possible.

By the end of the session I had my first chapter done and dusted without even realising that is what was happening. . .I know other participants were very surprised with what they produced as well.

Sandy's exercise regime really pushed me to write more than I would have imagined possible.”

— Katherine Cordner-Hunt, Mansfield, Victoria


“Thanks for a challenging and comprehensive workshop. The time just flew by.”

— Maurice Corlett, Wagga Wagga NSW


“..an inspiration honestly… It hit me once we had completed the days activities… yes years of bottling up emotions and thoughts…

Thoughts that I had locked away;

..thank you. It left me feeling energised”

— Julie Van Kerkwijk, Longwood, Victoria

Contact us to find out more